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LAVI Victim Status

Home LAVI Victim Status Victim’s Rights

Victim’s Rights

The status of LAVI victim gives rights, enumerated by the law as follows:

  • Advice and counseling
  • Psychosocial and legal support and follow-up
  • Provision of financial benefits for immediate and longer-term assistance
  • Compensation
  • Moral redress
  • Exemption of costs of proceedings

The victim’s relatives, i.e. the spouse, children, father and mother, as well as other persons connected to the victim by analogous ties, are also entitled to this right to victim assistance.

Each Canton has one or more LAVI centers. The victim can go to the center of his or her choice. For the addresses of the LAVI Centers in the different Cantons, click on this link.

Consultations are free and confidential. Consultations take place by appointment.

If you wish to consult the Geneva Centre, we invite you to make an appointment either by telephone or through our contact form.

Do you have questions about victim's rights?

We are here to answer your questions.